Timehop is an amazing little app, but I sometimes wonder if the ability to have all our pictures at our fingertips doesn’t cheapen things a little. Especially when we’re constantly reminded by what we were doing x number of years ago. I’ve gotten where I don’t check it daily so I can build some surprises for future years. There are still several days that I’ll check it just to see the memories I know happened on those days, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, kids’ birthdays, etc.
Time is a crazy thing. This weekend I carted off some empty keg shells to the curb while cleaning out the shed. I’m not sure exactly why we still had them. They moved from the old house to this house 6 years ago, I don’t know when they were last used at the old house, but they certainly haven’t been used at this house. Still they occupied a prime spot in the corner of the shed, one Coors, one Anheuser-Busch, prepared for whatever distributor we needed to visit. I have no clue what it costs in 2020 to get a keg filled, but as I think back, I now realize that $55 for that amount of beer seems really, really, cheap. Maybe I should have kept one of them at least. But no, I’m on the countdown to forty, and it might be time to start thinking of myself as 30 rather than 25.
I’ve gotten sidetracked, what started this post was the Timehop for today that reminded me of an experience that, had I had the blog a year ago, would have been perfect for a post. I’m afraid it has lost some of its “oomph” a year later, but here we go.
A year ago, we set off for Dallas to introduce then eight-month-old Vera to her cousins. It started as any trip to Dallas does, with a large Snake Handler in the airport bar and excitement for a dinner at Javier’s in the near future.

Unfortunately, as often seems to happen with the Southwest flight from Birmingham to Dallas, ours was delayed. Then it was delayed again. And Again. When it was finally apparent we weren’t going to be getting our Javier’s dinner we decided it was time to get some airport food.

I’m really not sure which was more amazing, my kids amazing behavior stuck in an airport for 8 hours, or the fact that someone at the Birmingham airport decided that every single place to eat should close at 6PM. Literally, all of them! It should have been a sign.
We finally made it to Dallas, Lauren and I got in a late-night run to Javier’s and all was right with the world. Then on July 5th we were out to dinner and young Vera decided to act exactly like an eight-month-old acts at a restaurant. And, we somehow didn’t have a pacifier. I was sent to the car to look for one.
Have you ever broken you finger looking for a pacifier in the backseat of a car? I have.
I’m still not sure exactly how I got the most dad broken finger ever. I opened the car door and turned to look in the backseat for the paci. I’ve known for years that I flail my long arms around, but I didn’t realize I did so with such speed. Somehow as I turned my body to look into the back seat my flailing left hand caught the armrest of the open door. There was a snapping sound. There was some profanity. And thank God, there was the damn pacifier in the backseat!
I returned to the table triumphantly, silently muttering something about a mother. My wife is a smart woman, that goes without saying, but when after a few choice words I told her I thought I broke my finger she immediately told me to take off my wedding ring. It may be the only reason I still have that finger.
The waiter brought me a bag of ice and after a couple Old Fashioneds and a glass of wine it still hurt like hell. I decided it was time to text my doctor.

This text was like most text to my doctor, it went something like, “hey, I don’t know if this is something to be worried about of if I should just suck it up…” My doctor, who is awesome, said it sounded like a mallet break and that I needed to actually go get it treated if I didn’t want it to be deformed.

This story is getting long, but a year ago I broke my finger looking for a pacifier while out to dinner on vacation. I ended up seeing multiple doctors and came shockingly close to surgery. For a broken finger.
I feel like maybe that was when the year 2020 really started for me….
Sorry to hear about the broken finger, but this blog is a blast! Did you end up needing surgery? Really enjoyed your blog and if you’re looking for a sponsor let us know. Our dentist in Tuscaloosa is always looking for ways to connect with families in the community!
Ha, I did not have surgery thankfully and eventually, I was able to get my wedding ring back on. I have sadly neglected this blog while I focus on our food blog, but have plans to give it an overhaul soon! I’m always happy to talk about sponsorships, you can email me from the contact link. Thanks for reading!